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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CARS birthday party

This past weekend was my son's 2nd birthday and party. He loves Cars so of course I had to do what would make him happy. We bought some decorations from Party City, but some decorations were homemade. I made signs for all the food and printed them off from as 4x6 pictures. You can take the ones I made and print them off for yourself if you'd like. Here they are: TO MAKE THE PICTURES LARGER, CLICK ON THEM
(We put this on the lemonade)

(This is for dark soda. We ended up just putting it on a cooler full of cans.)
(We went to Subway and bought 4 footlongs -2 ham, 2 turkey- and had them cut into 3 inch sections with all the toppings put on the side.)
(Stoplights are just Rice Krispie Treats dipped in chocolate and topped with Red, Yellow, and Green MnMs. They're delicious!)

(We made popcorn while we played the movie.)

Since my son was only turning 2, we didn't really have any games, but we did leave some extra balloons just lying around to play with. It seemed to really entertain the kids.

I made signs for the different food and drink stations.

(This sign was for beer and sangria. You might find that this isn't apropriate for the party that you're throwing, but our party only had 2 children and 11 adults.)

(We had this party at my sister's house. I made the cake at my house, which is 2.5 hours away, and my cake kind of came apart a little on the way to her house so I'll show you a picture of it before we left.)

That's pretty much it! We had some other store bought decorations and my son already had a card table set with two chairs that was Cars themed so that fit right in. Our party was a success! I hope yours is as well!


  1. I'm loving your ideas. May have to borrow a few for my son's 2nd birthday. Thumbs up on the creative "Leaded Fuel" sign.

  2. The food signs are so cute! What font did you use?

    1. I made the signs when I had a Picnik account, but they've closed their site since then. I believe that if you make the signs using Google+ the font is called "You Are Loved".

  3. thanks for actully sharing your home made signs, ive been looking for ideas and help for doing this for my son.. and no one shares.. so thanks and I will deferently be sharing what I make as well!

  4. also where did you find the pictures your used of the car charaters?

    1. Sorry it took me so long. I just google searched the images (probably not the 'right' way to do it, but I didn't know how else to find them).


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