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Friday, March 16, 2012

First Dance Picture

FYI: I am in desperate need of a manicure, but unfortunately, that didn't occur to me before I did this project. Also, my handwriting isn't that great, but I suppose writing it myself helped to add some personalization to it.

Step 1: Get everything together. (1 picture from your first dance at your wedding, 1 frame that's larger than the picture you have, a couple pieces of white cardstock, and a pen)
Step 2: Measure your cardstock so that it fits inside of the frame. (I only suggest having multiple pieces of cardstock in case you mess up on the first one like I did.) Measure and cut out a hole in the center of the cardstock that measures to the size of your picture. I used an 8x10 frame and a 4x6 picture. I decided to make my picture black and white and the frame silver. I thought it added a little something. However, I'm sure it would look nice if the picture was in color and you used a frame that was your wedding colors.
Step 3. Write the lyrics on your cardstock. I learned that it looks better if your write a little larger. My lyrics could probably be bigger. Oh well. You might notice that some of my words are darker than others. The truth? I messed up on one of my words and without thinking about it, went over it about 4 times before I realized it would stick out like a sore thumb. It was at the end so instead of starting over (for the third time I might add), I decided to do it randomly and I didn't hate it! You do whatever you think looks best.
Step 4. Tape the picture into place.
Step 5. Put the whole thing in your frame. And you're done! Voila!
Now you've made your first dance picture a little more interesting (Not that you really needed to). Plus, you'll never forget what song you danced to for your first dance (Although I'm sure you'd need to worry about your husband forgetting, not you).

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