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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What I Learned About Riding In An Airplane With A 3-Year-Old

Recently, I went on vacation with my husband, parents, and 3-year-old son. It was a blast. But the thing I was most anxious about? The plane ride there and back. I learned a couple of things and I thought I'd share with you.

1. It's okay to over pack
People always say that you shouldn't over pack You can always buy things later. It's more of a hassle to bring so much stuff. I'm not saying that you need to weigh yourself down with as many things as you're allowed to bring on the airplane, but you should definitely have options.
2. Bring things to help with the popping of ears.
Some kids have a lot of trouble with popping their ears. We brought a big drink and some dum dums. We also tried to get him to yawn. Even with all this, he still had a little trouble with his ears.
3. Movies are lifesavers.
3-year-olds are not always that great at sitting and watching a whole movie, but that's not the point. My son only watched about an hour on each flight, but that was an entire hour that he was quiet and not moving. Be careful though, a kid with headphones doesn't realize how loud he is talking.
4. The Minion App is your friend.
I found an app a couple months ago called 'Minion-Goggles' and it's awesome. Plus, it's free. It uses the camera on your phone and puts goggles on you like the minions wear. My son LOVES it. We spent about 15-20 minutes just taking pictures.

5. Do you need to potty?
Whenever the opportunity arises, ask your child if they need to go potty. You'll inevitably regret it if you don't.
6. Pack surprise presents.
Throughout the day, give your child 'presents'. Don't feel like you have to give him every present that you brought. You can save some for the ride back, too.
7. Bring lots of snacks. (Find that post here!)
While your child is eating snacks, they're not talking. It helps you keep them quiet.
8. Tighten the Seatbelt
If you tighten the seatbelt enough, it keeps them in the seat far enough so that they won't be able to kick the seat in front of them. If your child does have long legs, make sure you talk to them ahead of time about this.

Tell me what you've learned in the comments below.

Check out the rest of my Myrtle Beach Reviews and Vacation Tips here.

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