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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Travel Snacks For You & Your Child

I just recently went on vacation with my 3-year-old son. He LOVES to snack at home so I knew traveling wouldn't be any different. I did my best to pack things he would enjoy and boy, did he ever. We had enough snacks for all 3 people in our family. We also had enough for the travel back home. Keep in mind, we only packed a couple of each item and shared. Here's what we brought:

1. Goldfish
2. Fruit snacks
3. Cheerios
You can even use these to string on some of those pipe cleaners you brought.
4. Ritz chips
You can buy a box of little packages of them or you could buy a large bag and divide them into little bags yourself. The sour cream & onion are my favorite.
5. Seasoned crackers (You can find that post here!)
6. leftover Halloween candy (since we left November 3rd)
7. pouched applesauce
These are nice because kids can eat them on the go. You don't need a bowl or spoon. Plus, they're delicious and they only need to be refrigerated after you open them.
8. Teddy Grahams
You can also buy a box of little packages of these too. We bought a box of original, cinnamon, and chocolate.
9. Dum Dums
These have the added benefit of helping to pop your ears with the sucking motion for those that are too young to have gum. Or you could bring blow pops for those that are old enough for gum but would still rather have a sucker.
Most of these items are pretty healthy, but you're on vacation. You can relax a little on the healthy eating.

Check out the rest of my Myrtle Beach Reviews and Vacation Tips here.

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